“Into the blind world we have now descended.”

Publius Vergilius Maro, usually called Virgil or Vergil (70 BC – 19 BC) was the once famous Roman poet who was now "Pure spirit" and acted as Dante's guide in Hell.


As the son of a commoner, Publius Vergilius Maro was a masterful Roman poet once by living under the rule of Caesar Augustus, living before the birth of Christ and becoming well-known as the man with the biggest brain.

Virgil was the author of the Aeneid, his magnum opus. He described living under Augustus during the time of the lying and fake deities. However, after living for over fifty years, Virgil died about 19 years before the birth of Jesus Christ. Virgil also said that even though he died many years before the birth of the Son of God, he foretold the Messiah's coming in his (Virgil's) works.


Virgil died shortly before the birth of Christ and was never baptized. But, because he led a good life on Earth, Virgil was given a place among the virtuous pagans in the Hall of Kings within the circle of Limbo. Virgil found himself being called by a beautiful woman, asking him to help a friend that she feared went astray, and in exchange for that, she would praise him to God. She told him that appearing at the Gates of Hell, Virgil met the Crusader Knight named Dante where he offered to guide him throughout the circles of Hell. From now on, Virgil helped Dante traverse the Nine Circles from the outer boundaries of Limbo to the frozen wastelands of Treachery, offering guidance and advising him about the purpose of each circle. Virgil also gave Dante his first spell when they first met each other.


  • In The Divine Comedy, Virgil was sent by Beatrice to serve as Dante's guide through Hell and Purgatory ("Inferno" and "Purgatorio"). Being a pagan soul, Virgil was not allowed to enter Paradise and passed Dante off to Beatrice at the end of "Purgatorio."
  • In Dante's Inferno: An Animated Epic, Virgil had even more personality than in the game.

